Thursday, May 21, 2009

More improvements on "Cloaking"

‘Breakthrough device represents major improvement over past efforts.’ -

For those dreaming that the Star Trek technology of cloaking will one day become reality, they can take note of the steady progress that real-world cloaking technology has been making. The goal of cloaking research is to find ways to redirect light around a shape, from all directions, in essence making it so the shape disappears to the naked eye. Scientists have had success working with nanoscale objects using special lenses.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MicroSoft and Linux Finally Agree On something

‘Microsoft, Linux Foundation finally find something they can agree on.’ -

It doesn’t happen often, but Microsoft and the Linux Foundation have issued a joint letter voicing their displeasure over the American Law Institute (ALI)’s latest effort to create an implied warranty stating that all shipped software have no material hidden defects.

The ALI is largely made up of judges and attorneys who are assigned the task of dealing with protocols related to software sales and warranties. Due to serious flaws and other issues, more consumers are interested in having politicians and others deal with defective software, as it can be sometimes difficult to get the companies behind the software to take responsibility.

“Parties should ”" rel="nofollow">be able to choose the rules that best suit their needs, as they have the most knowledge about their particular transaction," according to the joint letter. “That is not to say that certain protections — for example, in the business-to-consumer context — are not warranted. But even in today’s common law approach to software contracts, there is no great failure in terms of substandard quality or unmet expectations that would justify imposition of new mandatory rules, particularly given existing remedies under misrepresentation and consumer protection law.”

Both the Linux Foundation and Microsoft especially don’t like the following statement written into the ALI’s Principles of the Law of Software Contracts: “A transferor that receives money or a right to payment of a monetary obligation in exchange for the software warrants to any party in the normal chain of distribution that the software contains no material hidden defects of which the transferor was aware at the time of the transfer. This warranty may not be excluded.”

Specifically, Microsoft and Linux Foundation officials want the ALI to clarify that statement, as they believe it’s a bit too vague, while also wanting their attorneys to read over the published principles.


Facebook Phishing

If you've noticed some strange messages arriving on your Facebook account these past couple weeks, one of your friends has been hacked. That's hardly news, but the fact that those hacks are part of a coordinated effort to hit Facebook definitely is. We'll show you what Facebook is doing about it.